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Neuropsychological Assessment

How We Can Help.

A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment typically involves evaluation of the following areas:

  • Intellectual abilities (e.g., IQ).
  • Attention/concentration.
  • Ability to learn and remember.
  • Language functions.
  • Visual spatial skills.
  • Executive functioning (e.g., planning, organization).
  • Academic achievement.
  • Personality/emotional functioning.

As part of the neuropsychological assessment, an in-depth clinical interview is conducted, a comprehensive history is taken, and all available medical, psychiatric, vocational, and educational records are reviewed.  Findings are summarized in a detailed report and face-to-face feedback is provided.  Consultation to schools or other agencies is provided as part of the overall evaluation.

Q.    Who is qualified to conduct a neuropsychological assessment?

A.    A neuropsychological evaluation can be performed by a licensed psychologist with formal predoctoral and postdoctoral training focusing on brain-behavior relationships and neuropsychological assessment.

Q.    Are all neuropsychological assessments the same?

A.    No. Although there are some central components involved in most evaluations, each neuropsychological evaluation is tailored to the needs of the individual client and referral question in order to yield the most comprehensive information.

Q.    How are the assessment results used?


  • Confirm or clarify diagnosis or disability.
  • Document changes in functioning.
  • Develop a profile of strengths and weaknesses to guide treatment planning (e.g., rehabilitation, vocational, educational or other
  • Provide appropriate compensatory strategies.
  • Refer to other specialists such as cognitive rehabilitation professionals, neurologists, psychiatrists, or vocational counselors.

Q.    Who can benefit?

A.    Individuals or families who suspect memory problems, attention deficit disorder, or other cognitive deficits, as well as persons with brain injury, concussion, or neurological illness.
 We also provide consultation to medical practitioners, attorneys, insurance companies, case managers, school counselors and an array of other professionals.

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